Nick Cannon Presents Wild 'N Out or simply (Wild 'N Out) is a American improv comedy show created, executive produced, and hosted by comedian, Nick Cannon. The show debuted on July 28, 2005 and concluded in 2007 on MTV. In 2012, it was announced that the series would be renewed for a fifth season and would start airing on MTV2. The show's fifth season premiered on July 9, 2013 which aquired 1.1 million viewers which made it the highest-rated telecast in MTV2 history. The show aired on MTV2 for two more seasons until the show began airing back on it's home channel on MTV since it's eighth season.
In March 2019, the show was renewed by MTV for 90 episodes, bringing it to it's sixteenth season. On June 19, 2019, it was announced that the show would expand to it's sister channel VH1, beginning on July 7, 2019.
The show features two teams, a team (Red, Platinum, Black, Gold, Old School, New School, Revolution) led by host Nick Cannon and the opposing team (Black, Platinum, New School, Evolution) being led by a celebrity guest(s) in which they battle in comedic "improvisational" games. After completing the first three games, the two teams freestyle battle against each other in the bonus round known as the "Wildstyle" in which points are added to the team's total score and if the celebrity captain's team wins, the Team Captain wins Nick Cannon's Comedy Championship Belt or (“Million Dollar Chain” in Seasons 16 and 17) if Nick's team wins then he gets to keep his belt/chain.
- Nick Cannon (Host)
- DJ D-Wrek (Co-Host & House DJ)
- Red Team (Seasons 1-4, 9-14, 20)
- Black Team (Seasons 1-7, 9-14, 20)
- Platinum Team (Seasons 5-8)
- Gold Team (Season 8)
- Old School (Season 15, 17-19, 21)
- New School (Season 15, 17-19, 21)
- Revolution (Season 16)
- Evolution (Season 16)
- Main article: Games
- It is currently the longest running show on MTV and the longest running hip hop show in history.
- The show is currently one of the longest running improv comedy shows.
- The show originated from an idea while Nick Cannon and DJ D-Wrek were watching an episode of ‘’106 & Park’’.
- The show's original theme song was performed by Fatman Scoop.
- A usual episode of the show usually takes 2 hours to film but not everything that is filmed will make it into the finished 22 minute episode that will air.
- The show originally aired on MTV for it's first four seasons and then in 2013, it's revamp was announced and later premiered on MTV2 instead of MTV. The show then returned to MTV when it's eighth season premiered up until it's twelfth season. The show now currently airs on the VH1 network.
- The fifth season's premiere was the highest rated telecast in MTV2 history.
- A hip hop mixtape titled Wild 'N Out: Wildstyle Vol. 1 was released on Datpiff before the show's eighth season premiered.
- The show's first hour long episode was Chance the Rapper/Saba.
- It was also announced in April 2017 that Nick was planning to open a Wild 'N Out restaurant in Los Angeles, the first restaurant was opened in Miami Beach in on May 26, 2018.
- Nick Cannon created a Air Jordan sneaker based off the show called Air Jordan 7 "Wild 'N Out" as the sneakers has all of the team colors that have appeared on the show and the show's logo on the bottom of the shoe.
- Production of Season 19 and Season 20 ran concurrently from August 30, 2022 to September 23, 2022, making it the first time in the show's history that two seasons were filmed at the same time.